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Course Content

Year - I

Semester - I
Year – 1 Semester – I Contact Hours Notional Hours Credits
Course Code Course Name Theory Practical/Clinical Total Total Total
ANA 101 Basic Human Anatomy 120 60 180 540 54.0
PHY 101 Basic Human Physiology 112 54 166 498 49.8
BCH 101 Basic Medical Biochemistry 112 54 166 498 49.8
BSC 101 Behavioral Sciences 60 30 90 270 27.0
CSK 101 Communication Skills 26 12 38 114 11.4
Total 430 210 640 1920 192.0

Year - I

Semester - II
Year – 1 Semester – II Contact Hours Notional Hours Credits
Course Code Course Name Theory Practical/Clinical Total Total Total
ANA 102 Clinical Anatomy 120 60 180 540 54.0
PHY 102 Clinical Physiology 110 50 160 480 48.0
BCH 102 Clinical & Applied Biochemistry 108 50 158 474 47.4
BSD 102 Biostatistics & Demography 52 20 72 216 21.6
DES 102 Development Studies 50 20 70 210 21.0
Total 440 200 640 1920 192.0

Year - 2

Semester - III
Year – 2 Semester – III Contact Hours Notional Hours Credits
Course Code Course Name Theory Practical/Clinical Total Total Total
MMB 203 Medical Microbiology & Immunology 70 30 100 .0300 30.0
EPR 203 Principles of Epidemiology 60 20 80 240 24.0
PAT 203 General Pathology 80 20 100 300 30.0
PHA 203 Fundamentals of Pharmacology 60 20 80 240 24
NTN 203 Nutrition 70 20 90 270 27.0
NPN 203 Principles of Nursing – I 110 80 190 570 57.0
Total 440 200 640 1920 192.0

Year - 2

Semester - IV
Year – 2 Semester – IV Contact Hours Notional Hours Credits
Course Code Course Name Theory Practical/Clinical Total Total Total
MMB 204 Clinical Microbiology 70 30 100 300 30.0
EPR 204 Research Methodology 60 20 80 240 24.0
PAT 204 Systemic Pathology 80 20 100 300 30.0
PHA 204 Clinical Pharmacology 60 20 80 240 24.0
HIT 204 Health Information Technology 60 40 100 300 30.0
NPN 204 Principles of Nursing - II 110 80 190 570 57.0
Total 440 200 640 1920 192.0

Year - 3

Semester - V
Year – 3 Semester – V Contact Hours Notional Hours Credits
Course Code Course Name Theory Practical/Clinical Total Total Total
DEC 305 Disaster & Emergency Care 90 28 118 354 35.4
HGD 305 Human Growth and Development 73 0 73 219 21.9
PCS 305 Professional Communication Skills 90 0 90 270 27.0
MCN 305 Maternal and Child Health – I 100 45 145 435 43.5
NPN 305 Principles of Nursing – III 134 200 334 1002 100.2
Total 487 273 760 2280 228.0

Year - 3

Semester - VI
Year – 3 Semester – VI Contact Hours Notional Hours Credits
Course Code Course Name Theory Practical/Clinical Total Total Total
ANC 306 Advocacy and Counseling 40 45 85 255 25.5
PLT 306 Principles of Learning and Teaching 75 70 145 435 43.5
CHN 306 Community Health Nursing – I 100 0 100 300 30.0
MSN 306 Medical Nursing 100 160 260 780 78.0
MCN 306 Maternal and Child Health – II 50 120 170 510 51.0
Total 365 395 760 2280 228.0

Year - 4

Semester - VII
Year – 4 Semester – VII Contact Hours Notional Hours Credits
Course Code Course Name Theory Practical/Clinical Total Total Total
MPN 407 Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing – I 70 90 160 480 48.0
NRS 407 Nursing Research – I 120 0 120 360 36.0
CHN 407 Community Heath Nursing – II 15 240 255 765 76.5
MSN 407 Surgical Nursing 90 135 225 675 67.5
Total 295 465 760 2280 228.0

Year - 4

Semester - VIII
Year – 4 Semester – VIII Contact Hours Notional Hours Credits
Course Code Course Name Theory Practical/Clinical Total Total Total
PDN 408 Paediatric Nursing 75 125 200 600 60.0
NLM 408 Nursing Leadership & Management 70 135 205 615 61.5
MPN 408 Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing –II 55 160 215 645 64.5
NRS 408 Nursing Research – II 20 120 140 420 42.0
Total 220 540 760 2280 228.0
Grand Total 2355 2035 3630 10890 1089.0

“All the courses offered in the BSc N degree programme of IMTU are core course.”